After my parents got divorced my dad moved into a trailer park. For whatever reason, my sisters and I thought this was so cool. Then my dad moved to Anaheim Hills and got a whole lot cooler than that because he suddenly. had. a. pool. Wow. The ultimate in cool dad-ness. My entire childhood involved swimming in this pool. Now I get to see my kids swim in the same pool. Its trippy watching my childhood repeat itself, but also incredibly awesome. And as cool as Pool Dad was to me and my sisters, Pool Dad doesn't hold a candle to Pool Grandpa. Pool Grandpa is the coolest (poolest? : ) man alive. this entry will be repeated many times, I am sure. I don't have a lot of pictures because my lens has bit the dust, it still works (barely) but the cool thing about that is next month my pictures (taken by the fantastic lens coming my way in August) are about to get hella better.
Kurt is, for lack of any better word, a fish. Maybe we could call him a merman. He loves to be in the water. A few moments after this photo was snapped, he barfed pizza into the pool and we still couldn't keep him out of the pool! Gross. We waited half an hour for the pool filter to do its thing and then we let Kurt get back in. The adults huddled on the non barfy shallow end steps. Kids are so much less worried about the gross factor, and therefore, have way more fun.
Here he is! Grandpoolpa! The coolest grandpa ever.
My kids love to play in the spa. Another reason Grandpoolpa is a hero? It was 90+ degrees and my dad braved the hot tub for his grandkids. I generously handed the pleasure of that heroic act to him, and stayed on deck.
My kids love to play in the spa. Another reason Grandpoolpa is a hero? It was 90+ degrees and my dad braved the hot tub for his grandkids. I generously handed the pleasure of that heroic act to him, and stayed on deck.
I forgot Daisy's bathing suit but again, Grandpoolpa came to the rescue and went to Target for me. He picked out the cutest two piece I have ever seen. Who knew Daisy's belly was so adorable?
Her little back ain't bad either. I spend a good part of my day drooling over the luscious adorableness of my baby girl. I cant get enough of looking at her. I sicken all around me. "Isn't she cute? How cute is Daisy? Have you ever seen a cuter baby girl? Come here and look at these 1000 pictures of Daisy..." Well, she's adored. There are worse fates.
Not 1000, just three. Daisy has learned to say "cheese!" It's the ugliest face I've ever seen.
"Give me some Blue Steel, baby girl!"
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